Aura Air

  • Aura Air

    Clean Air Everywhere

  • Aura Air

    Clean Air Everywhere

  • Aura Air

    Clean Air Everywhere

  • Aura Air

    Clean Air Everywhere


Meet Aura Air
The purifier that kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria!

Scientific research found that Aura Air detects, captures and kills 99.9% of viruses, bacteria, mould and VOCs so you can breathe freely. Ideal for every indoor space, it removes airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns, including allergens and viruses.

Full Control

Take charge of your indoor air quality thanks to real-time smart insights and recommendations


Aura effectively kills 99.9% of viral particles, including SARS-CoV-2

Set Your Rules

Define your automations based on your indoor air quality needs. Your Aura will take care of making it happen

Well Certified

Medically approved by WELL Building Standard to enhance human health and wellbeing

Pure Air In Four Steps!

Pre - filtration
Filtering the big particles: dust, pollen, animal hair

Ray - filtration
Our patent Ray Filter consists of a unique antibacterial layers

Creating pure air with our patented technology

Kills bacteria, viruses.

Aura - Control Panel

Aura's control panel can be embedded in every BMS or act as one. Manage dozens of units at once with ease, and control each and every aspect of your indoor air quality. You can also set your own rules to automate the devices' actions, save energy and costs.

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